Arend’s Job Description – The Big Question

Whenever we have guests or new people in the lab, we make a round of introductions and everyone describes their research in three sentences or less. When it comes to my turn, we have a running gag. Sometimes I just say, “All of the above,” or just “Evolution in general.” Other times I say, “Evolution […]

Discussion: What is the responsibility of a science blog?

Earlier in July, we had the BEACON Postdoc and Students retreat covering various topics, including a session about “communicating science to the public.” From that presentation, I get the idea that scientists here in the U.S. have a rather strange public image. In the discussion session, we saw a picture and accompanying description a kindergartner […]

Faisal Tameesh Discusses the Applications of Evolutionary Algorithms in Robotics

For more information on this project, see our Research page.

Randy Olson discusses modern approaches to Artificial Intelligence

I watched a YouTube video earlier today of an interview with David Eagleman, where he discussed his thoughts on the current approach that most researchers are taking to the problem of Artificial Intelligence. To me, this is an extremely interesting topic to ponder. He put to words a good portion of what has been on […]

  • Adami Lab Schedule

    March  2025